

We’re closed for submissions

We now publish monthly: one short story, one poem, and one essay every month. We are currently closed for submissions.


We accept short stories or flash fiction up to 2,500 words. No more, although if you go a bit over we won’t get mad. Unfortunately we do not accept scripts, book or novel excerpts. Please submit no more than one short story per open call, or two flash fiction pieces up to 500 words each.


We accept up to three poems per theme. We like it simple, weird and wonderful – no men adoring women from afar, please. We want our poetry wild and free. We're partial to tongue-poetry.


We accept creative nonfiction on pretty much any subject – especially if it’s synaesthesia or sense-related – up to 2,500 words. Again, we won’t get mad if you go over a little bit, but we prefer shorter works. Flash CNF is very welcome! Submit up to one nonfiction essay per open call, or up to two flash CNFs.


All visual art file sizes must be at least 1mb and high resolution .jpeg, .gif or .png files. Please submit no more than six pieces of art unless we ask to see more of your work.


All photo file sizes must be at least 1mb and high resolution .jpeg, .gif or .png files. Please submit no more than six photographs unless we ask to see more of your work.


We welcome music! Please email us at synaesthesiamagazine@gmail.com if you wish to submit songs or compositions.


We open for submissions twice a year. Submissions for our blog are always open – email synaesthesiamagazine@gmail.com with a pitch, and let's talk!

No more than 3 submissions per open call (unless you’re submitting photography or artwork). We do not accept previously published work, but we do encourage simultaneous submissions. Please don't send us submissions via email. They will not get read and it gets pretty hectic.

Once you have sent us your submission, and you notice a mistake in your work or cover letter, drop us an email or request an edit. Please do not withdraw and re-submit; we have a limited number of free Submittable submissions per year, and we want to give all writers the opportunity to submit for free.


We are unable to offer payment to contributors at this time. Our EICs pay for the website, subscriptions and domains out of their own pockets and with help received via our Expedited categories (more below). For now, we can offer you support, love and attention – both on social media and off it. We also nominate for awards (and sometimes win!) and hope you keep us updated on your writing so we can share it with the world.


It takes us up to three months to respond to your submission. Sometimes it won't take us that long. But please give us this time – we receive a lot of submissions and we read in our spare time, on top of full time jobs and families. Thank you for your understanding.

Expedited reading

You have the option of submitting via our paid EXPEDITED category for £3. Paid submissions will receive priority reading over standard submissions, though, of course, this does not guarantee acceptance. Every cent received via this category goes towards our Submittable subscription, website fees and domain costs. Every little really does help, and lets us carry on creating a unique space for writers and artists.